Shadows of Ourselves Cover Reveal + Release Date!

So, Shadows of Ourselves is going to be out on Friday, may 27th, and now that I have the release date chosen I can release the final cover!

TA-DA! I designed the cover myself, and I'm really happy with the final product. Sky is a bit more masculine looking than he is in the book, but overall I think I captured his essence and the dark but magikal tone of the book pretty well.

I would pitch this as Cassandra Clare meets Leah Raeder/Elliot Wake, kind of. It's got sorcery and monsters, incubi and romance, and it deals with some pretty dark subject matter like abuse and alcoholism. It's also got a highly diverse cast (transgender seelie queen, anyone?) and plenty of sex, action, and mystery.

To be honest, I think Shadows is my 10 out of 10. It's the book I wrote because it was the book I always wanted to read as a teenager, it's just a really unique, interesting world. I know I'm probably not supposed to say that, since it's my own book, but I crammed as much magik and mythology into this world as I could, and the way it turned out is really alluring and visually enticing.


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