Motherboard Blues

Today was a little hellish. The power went out around 4am and was out for hours. Someone hit a power line with her car nearby, but from what I heard she was fine. Anyway my computer wouldn't turn back on after the outage, and I was afraid I'd lost everything, but I opened it up and shorted it with a screwdriver, so it's fine now, but the power button is done for good.

The tower looks like this right now:

I need a new computer really bad but I have no money, which is why it's so important for me to edit these stories and get them out already. I've been getting a lot of work done but it doesn't feel like it because I haven't shared any. I'm quitting pot because it freaks me out so I'll have the mind to write more, too.

Tonight I'm going to finish editing the second novella, pen a new short story, write a new chapter of the current book, and then edit more of Shadows New Edition. That sounds like a lot but it's not. Editing Shadows is hardest, even though it's a copy read to catch any final editing errors, and I'm not adding or changing anything substantial. It's hard reading my own books without judging them very harshly, and wanting to change stuff, but I can't because Shadows is done and published, and all I can do now is clean it up more and not totally rewrite lines.*

Anyway, I'm going to go eat something and play video games for an hour before I get to work, and maybe then I can figure out this whole author thing.

*Note Added Oct 12, 2019: I made myself laugh while rereading that. I definitely DID change a lot of lines and added 24k of new material, to a book that's already been published for 4 years now. I play by my own rules, lol.


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