Wednesday 16 March 2016

Author Interview: Stevie Turner

Today on the blog I'm talking with Stevie Turner, author of A House Without Windows (recipient of a 2014 New Apple Book Award) and various other titles including For the Sake of a Child, The Porn Detective, and Revenge.

The Author: Writing with a unique focus on the darker side of human relationships, Stevie's stories are interspersed with an intelligent, sharp humor, and complicated characters - you won't find any fangs or magic spells in her stories; just a tantalizing glimpse at the challenging and real lives of her characters - often while exploring dark subject matter.

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The Books:


Interview Questions:

When did you decide or realize you wanted to write?

It was back in junior school when I won an inter-schools’ writing competition aged 11.  I’d written a short story about my budgerigar and how I always let it out of its cage when my grandmother visited, as she hated birds and always went into meltdown if it flew anywhere near her.  Poor old Nan; she helped me win a certificate that I still treasure to this day.

What does your general process usually look like, from initial idea to published book?  Do you outline or wing it?  Write digitally, or by hand? 

I find inspiration from news items, but tend to wing it and make up the story as I go along.  If there are many characters I will write down their details and traits in a notebook.  I type out the manuscript on my computer using Word, as I can type much faster than writing, having worked as a secretary for many years.  I have recently signed with a publisher, Creativia, for my new book ‘Repent at Leisure’.  Creativia will be editing my new manuscript and providing a cover as well as publishing it, but previously I have always done the editing and published the books myself on KDP.  In the past I have usually paid for my book covers.

What was the idea or spark that led to your latest book?

As I said before I often find ideas from listening to the news.  I also gain inspiration from walking in the countryside around my village, and also from looking at photos.  In the case of ‘Repent at Leisure’ I was looking at a friend’s wedding pictures on Facebook who had married at the famous Gretna Green venue in Scotland.  This got me thinking… what if a couple married after knowing each other only a short time and the bride didn’t really know too much about her husband?  The cogs started to whirr, and hey presto, I had a story!

Do you listen to music while you write, or do you enjoy the silence?

To me there is nothing better than silence.  I cannot write with any background noise or with anybody else in the room.  I suppose I’m just an anti-social kind of girl!

What does your work space look like?

I have two desks joined together which are full of papers, books, and family photos.  It’s lovely, and it’s mine (I’m also very territorial, due to suffering with the ‘Only Child Syndrome’)!.

What type of research, if any, goes into your novels?

Having been around for 58 years I am fortunate to have lived through a wealth of life experiences which I can write about, and I tend to write from personal experience or about what I’ve found out as I’ve travelled along life’s rocky road.  However, I do check facts and figures on Google if I am unsure.

What are your interests and hobbies outside of writing?

I am totally undomesticated, and have no interest in cooking, sewing, or anything feminine.  I do like walking along country footpaths near where I live though, and also love reading, watching documentaries on TV, and going to music festivals and concerts (next one is the Isle of Wight festival in June – can’t wait!).

Favourite snacks while working (if any?). 

Pineapple, kiwi or grapes.  I also like to drink green tea or fruit teas.

Who are some of your biggest inspirations as a writer?

I like to read and write women’s fiction, so I’d say probably Gillian Flynn and Paula Harding for the modern times, and then classic fiction writers D.H Lawrence, L.P Hartley, R.F Delderfield, A.J Cronin, and Evelyn Waugh.

What can you tell us about your latest project?

I am working on a collection of short stories.  So far I’ve written 16, but would like that number to increase to about 30 before I publish.  I originally started out with the theme of births, deaths and marriages, but this has since fallen by the wayside!

Speed Round!

Films or TV shows?

Films.  Many TV programmes are utter rubbish.

Singles or entire albums?

Entire albums – you get more for your money.

Sweet, savoury or salty?

Savoury.  I’m not really keen on sweet or salty foods.

Favourite season?


Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram?

Facebook.  I don’t have an Instagram account.


There you have it, folks! You can read samples of and purchase Stevie's books here, and as always, give her a shout on social media if you enjoyed the interview! 


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