New Covers + Maelstrom News

So, I have a lot of things to say. First, I pushed back the Maelstrom release from late 2016 to early 2017, so if you see 2016 attached to that book anywhere, that's wrong, and it won't be out until after the new year, most likely. Second, I revamped the covers for Rage & Frenzy, and updated the interiors for both those, Dreamseeker, and Blood of Midnight - just rearranging back matter and cleaning up the formatting and stuff.

Here are the new covers for Rage & Frenzy:

Someone whose opinion I trust told me the font was too gaudy, and I agreed, so I changed them. I added the leaves just to bring more color variance to both of them and make them feel a bit more magikal, because they are.

Those aside, I'm almost finished with edits on Shadows, and I think that will be out around the end of this month or the beginning of next, depending on how much time that leaves me to come up with a marketing plan, because I want people to know about & read this book, a lot.

I also have a few tiny side projects to work on before jumping into Dreamwalker & Dreamkiller, which I'm going to draft back to back, so those should be fun (and ready to be shared, soon) but I'm not going to say anything official because I don't want to jinx myself. Pun intended.

Anyway, that's all I've got in the way of announcements, I think, but later on I'm going to use this blog to foist more of my music on you all, because I love everything I'm listening to right now.

Especially this:


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