Shadows of Ourselves Character Spotlight: Jackson

Time for another character spotlight! Shadows of Ourselves is out May 27th, and it should be available for pre-order within the next two days! I really love this book. Edits took it from 73,000 to 120,000, and it's a much stronger, more nuanced book now.

I cringe to know there are a select few people who read the rougher drafts. The final one is a lot better than I imagined the book could be. I'm glad I let it sit for a decent chunk of time, before editing.

Today's character spotlight is for Jackson - who gets a bit more screen time now than he did in the original book.

Jackson is a stranger who comes into the picture with a job offer for Sky, but there's a lot more to him than meets the eye. He's still a bit of a goofball, though.

You can add the book on Goodreads here and, if you review books in any capacity and you're interested in an ARC, you can email me at, and I'll send you one!


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