Publishing Questions + Answers

Alright. I realized I always have a lot of things/projects/series going on at once, and it might confuse a lot of potential readers, so I figured I'd make a post to talk about what's happening right now, as directly and clearly as I can. Here you go:

My next book, Shadows of Ourselves, is out May 27th. It's a new adult gay urban fantasy novel. It's the longest book I've written, and the best, in my opinion, and you can pre-order it here.

After that, my next publications will be the Dreamworld Duet - an urban fantasy duology comprised of the books Dreamwalker and Dreamkiller. The prequel novella is available now, here! They're inspired by magical girl animes, and they've got some epic action scenes.

I'm writing them both to completion before publishing them, so they can come out days within each other. Because having to wait for the next book in a series is the worst.

After that I'm putting out We Die Like Angels which is part sci-fi, part urban fantasy. It's set in Midnight City, so if you've read my horror anthology, you might have an idea of what's in store in this novel, which is queer romance. (Nb X M)

Then I'll be moving on to Maelstrom and Tears of Sunrise, before I finish up the Charmers series.

I know it's a lot (seriously, try juggling it all when you're the one who has to write it) but I tend to post updates about this stuff as it happens, and I'm always happy to answer questions and clear up misunderstandings or confusion!


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