I haven't forgotten about this blog. I mean, how could I? I have a long history of writing embarrassing, mortifying personal details on here because I like to pretend that nobody reads it. When I'm not pretending that everybody reads it, I mean. I've just been really busy doing things like writing, putting off writing, hating myself for putting off writing, and more along those lines... I've also been watching a shit-ton of American Horror Story and Riverdale, but you all probably have been, too, so you can't fault me for that. That's just how it is. Anyway, I haven't got much to say tonight; I'm listening to it rain cats and dogs outside, and our actual cats and dogs (including Roxy, the stray we took in) are all inside, safe and dry. I'm about to start drafting more on Dreamsinger , the sequel to Dreamseeker. In case you missed the new edition of Dreamseeker, it looks like this; The cover for Dreamsinger is even better. And it has a h...