WOLVES is out!

Wolves is out! I've been so excited to share this story, it feels really vindicating to release it. You can buy it here!

In case you missed it, Wolves is an urban fantasy featuring an ensemble cast. It has surreal elements perfect for fans of Welcome to Night Vale, but with a grittier, slightly more relatable edge to it. It's inspired a lot by the area I grew up in. The New Brunswick wilderness is very beautiful and the small towns and farms can be charming and also kind of eerie.

In slightly less exciting news, I published a new edition of Blood of Midnight. I'm about to start writing book two (And, oh boy, is the cover beautiful!) and I wanted to spruce up the first book to go with its new cover.

The changes aren't that significant. The chapters have titles now. There's a new prologue called Before: Pulse which I feel sets the tone of the book much better than the first chapter. The first two chapters have slightly expanded material, just new bits peppered in here and there. The end of the book also has updated acknowledgements and an Inspirations page where I talk about inspirations of the book, like songs that several chapters are named after, other vampire books that influenced my views of them and what their society would look like, and stuff like that.

The new edition is available on Wattpad in it's entirety here! If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. It's got action, romance, and intrigue.

The new edition of Iceblood is also finally finished updating on Amazon, so you should grab it if you're interested!

You can check the tabs at the top of the blog for the new Wolves page which has more info on the new release!


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