Blood of Midnight & Taking Things Apart (Book + Cover Reveal!)

Where the hell have I been? Writing a novella. And editing a book for publication. And turning twenty. And other things!

So, awhile back I posted the cover for Dreamseeker, along with a blurb. That book is now published, and you can get it here! But on top of that, I edited a novel I wrote about a year and a half ago, gave it a fresh round of edits, and published it as well! That book is a vampire novel called Blood of Midnight, and you can buy it here!

Here's a quote:

So, what's up with Blood of Midnight? Well, it's essentially what happens when I write a book just to dissect and deconstruct a bunch of YA vampire genre tropes. It has bicurious vampire soldier girls and plot twists galore. It blurs the line between young adult and new adult, but I'm calling it YA.

I would mainly call it a race against time mystery, about trying to root out a traitor in a vampire court before the future king's coronation. Also, there's a mysterious cult.

BOM is basically me taking apart the YA love triangle and the pointless girl hate trope, while also deconstructing or inverting the action girl archetype, along with a few others I can't give away for spoiler-y reasons.

I originally planned to scrap and rewrite this novel entirely, bringing it from fast-paced, slightly commercial mystery-adventure-romp thing to fully fledged dark urban fantasy, but frankly, I think it's a good book. It's not my best work, since I've finished 5 or 6 books since the time I wrote it, but at the same time it's fun and fast and I think it has enough merit to stand on its own. And honestly, as an introduction to this world, it works.

The book is standalone. This isn't a series. But it is a world, and it's one I plan to write in again. I'm calling it the Evernight Saga, but, I repeat, IT ISN'T A SERIES.

Characters from this will appear in future books set in this world, but they're more spiritual successors than direct sequels. Like an anthology series, I suppose. Yup, I'm going the Scream Queens route.

Anyway, I'll have more in the next few weeks - including posts about why casual sex is important in YA novels and starting a YA parody account on twitter!


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