Back On the Reality Train

I have no clue what happened in the last few days, but I really let some things slip. Work-wise, things have been fine. I'm making steady progress on . . . things (not all of which I can talk about yet) and feeling really inspired.

But damn, my diet has been in flux. I was on a vegetarian diet for about nine or ten days, but I caved and ate some meatloaf one day and never really got back on that diet. I'll be starting that again tomorrow, and I'm not really worried about maintaining it, just angry I let it slip in the first place.

I've been trying to focus on my health - both mental and physical - this year, and while I feel like it's been a success so far, I also feel like I could be doing more.

I guess the point is I always feel like I could be doing more, even when I'm already doing a lot. But recently I started doing a lot less, since I was stressing out about, well, everyone. Kuma came out for a few days to hang out and I let myself slack off then, too. The important thing is that I'm back on track now and I'm juggling school and work well enough that I should be ready for the upcoming semester and book stuff that I have planned.

I have some things I haven't announced yet that I'm looking forward to talking about and sharing, but I can't do that for a few days - maybe even a week - and it's excruciating. :)

So now, instead of blogging about it, I'm going to go and get back to work!


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