Frenzy is Out!


In case you missed my previous post about it, Frenzy is a young adult urban fantasy novella with a diverse cast of characters, cute romance, and a healthy helping of paranormal beings, so in celebration of its release I thought I’d share some facts about the book;

1) It's Full of Monsters. From Harpies to Goblins, Faeries to Undine, Werewolves to Reapers, this first glimpse at the Menagerie world is. . .well, it’s a menagerie of paranormal creatures. What else could you want?

2) . . .& Lesbian Romance! Yup, it's an LGBT romance. Again, what else could you want?

3) The main character is a Gnome. I feel pretty good about this one, since I haven't seen anyone else doing it (yet!) and I love elementals.

4) It's Got Pop Culture References. . . Because we all know at this point that I can't write a book without them.

5) It's a standalone Novella! Which means it's short, sweet, and simple. The book works both on its own, or as a prequel to Maelstrom (out later this year), which means you can get attached to the characters knowing you'll see them again in future books, but feel content knowing that you never need to read the other installments unless you really want to, as they each have different main characters and only loosely connected plots.

So, yeah. That's that. This is a fun little sneak peek at an exciting world that will be explored in more depth in Maelstrom and I'm really excited that it's out in the world now.

You can get the book on amazon here:

Or add it on Goodreads here:


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