
Showing posts from March, 2017

More, More, More

I feel like I start too many of my blogs with disclaimers, but here goes another: this isn't an *actual* blog post. It's just that in 2014 I only posted eight blogs, and I want to post way more this year, because I hate the idea of this blog going back to the old, empty, sad husk it used to be. In 2015 I made well over a 100 posts and I want to continue in that vein. This will be the eighth post I've made this year, meaning I've officially equaled out with my 2014 self, and after I write my next post, I'll be ahead. I can't believe I'm so petty I compete with myself, too, but here we are. Since I have nothing of interest to say here, I'll leave you with this: I made two quote posts for Dreamseeker for social media, and I haven't shared them here yet, which is crazy, since I love them so much: Also, Shadows of Ourselves is free for the next two days! You can get it here .

This post is a cop-out

I don't have a real post to share with you guys tonight. It's 5 in the morning and I have to leave the house in a few hours to pick up Kuma, which means that once we get back I won't really have time to write again today, meaning I have to draft at least 3000 words in 2 hours after I finish posting this blog, if I want to stay on schedule with this short story, which is set in a hotel and has monsters and a hot rock star boy. I just felt bad not posting here, since I want to be more active on this blog. I don't think many people read it, either because I post at odd times, I'm bad at tagging/sharing things, and because author blogs are everywhere and I'm hardly famous, or even have a halfway decent following - but that will probably change if I'm more active and persistent, so, here we are. I also just like looking back at all my blog posts and feeling productive, knowing I have those memories no matter what, and also knowing that there's something f...

The Everlasting Weirdness of Self-Promo

I'm blogging two days in a row. Surprised? If not, you're probably new here... I planned to do some promotional blogs for Dreamseeker this week, since, in case you didn't know, I just put out a new edition complete with a beautiful new cover: Are you not in love with that? Only when I sat down to write it, I remembered I hate self-promotion and decided to get out of my responsibilities by talking about how much I loathe them, instead. I have an anxiety disorder and borderline personality disorder, and it's always made it hard for me to socialize. As a kid people thought I was really bossy and assertive, but as I got older that reckless, impulsive behavior become more dangerous and problematic, turning self-destructive, and it only got harder and harder for me to make friends among my peers or communicate with people in general. When I'm talking to people outside my closest friends and family, I'm usually playing a character. I wake up for the day a...

Why This Blog Died

This blog is mostly dead because I use Twitter more. If you want to keep up with me, I post multiple times a day on Twitter, whereas I post once or twice a month here, at the moment - and that's if I'm lucky. If I've written enough for my actual books for the month and my mental illness isn't battering at the doors to my mind and the stars align in the right formations and all that good stuff. I do plan to blog more in the future. I don't know that it gets the word out or sells more books, but it's fun, it helps me collect my thoughts, and it makes me feel Authorial? There we go. Right now I'm working on several standalone books and novellas, then I'll be finishing a novella trilogy before finishing up the Deadheart Duology, and after that I'll be setting out to finish the series I've already started. Obviously that's a lot on my plate, so it's understandable why I don't always have the time/energy to blog. I...