Angels and Everything

So last night I finished my last round of copy edits on Divinity, wrote the acknowledgements, formatted the ebook, and sent it off through Amazon's review system. The pre-order should be up within 12 hours if everything goes right. And if it doesn't, I guess I can always bury myself under a blanket nest and pretend the world ended.

I'm super excited to be putting another book out, but I also plan to fix the whole paperback situation today after I've done the cat box and dishes - aka, the lack of a paperback edition.

I haven't seen the SOSAS paperback, but I'm sure it's beautiful.

And it's my only book available as a paperback.

Why? I'm lazy. And formatting paperbacks doesn't just mean more formatting and more forms to fill out - it also means more graphic design, more proofing, hours of work for each book that could be spent...writing a new book.

I wrote the draft of Divinity, which was like 30,000 words, in 7 days, and edited it in 5. The finished book is over 53,000 words, and I'm kind of in love with it. I write books fairly fast.

But that doesn't mean they don't take time.

Especially when you consider that I have 4 novel series going right now:

-The Charmers Series
-The Evernight Falling Chronicles
-The Dreamworld Duet
-The Seraph Chronicles

And 4 standalones to write:

-We Die Like Angels

As well as some projects I'm kicking around the side. I was also originally writing a book called A Darkness So Divine, but I scraped the project.

To be perfectly clear I love having a lot going on and a lot of projects to choose from, but it is also a huge workload and a lot of pressure, so I've put off working on paperback editions to focus on more drafting and editing for new projects.

But I think I need a tiny break from publishing stuff, and the best thing to do would be focus on new editions of old books instead of putting out new titles, and let myself take more time to write for a bit.

So I'm going to hold off on announcing release dates until I have two or three books ready to publish at once, and then I'm gonna drop a bunch of 'em on you like bombs.

In the meantime, paperbacks.

I hope I can order some soon - I particularly want Divinity and Shadows of Ourselves in paperback. Shadows is still my best book in my opinion, but Divinity is fun of a different kind.

And the sex is a lot more detailed. >:D

I'll post when the Divinity pre-order goes up, but if you're a blogger who wants and arc feel free to comment or message me at for a copy!


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