Divinity Pre-order + Vacation!

So, Divinity is available for pre-order, and I'm now going on vacation. I'm only gonna take two or three days, but it's gonna be a nice bit of rest before I hop onto Tears of Sunrise and the sequel to Divinity.

I'm going to read And I Darken and enjoy the new speaker I just bought for my computer and blatantly ignore social media and get back into sketching and go on walks and venture into the city for some rare human interaction.

In short, I'm doing all I can to avoid being burnt-out. I have to write Untold as well, but the plot for that just changed drastically and it's still in the outlining stages because of the switch.

It's so much I need to take a step back for a few days, get my head back in balance, and then hop back in.

I always like a little break after publishing a new book, anyway, for some reason. Postpartum depression or something, indie author version, but my books burn bright and fast and once they're done I miss the fun of writing them, but I'm also a little dead. It's nice to be able to breath out, sit back, and feel my shoulders relax knowing there's no deadline or release date on my shoulders and I can do what I want.

I wanted to write Untold next because I already revealed the cover, but I'm not gonna rush it - I think the idea needs some time in the incubator.

What I'll probably write next is the first sequel to Divinity. I can see it being 4 or 5 books, honestly, so I want to get another one out fast. Then it will probably be Tears of Sunrise.

After that - the world...


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