Dropping the Blogging Ball and Stealing It Back

I dropped the ball as far as blogging is concerned this month. It really just has to do with mental health, which is always a struggle.

I wish I could say that it was because I was hard at work (and I am) or because I was kidnapped by a handsome foreign prince who now wishes to marry me (I'm still waiting) but in reality it's just because I struggle with my self-identity and caring for myself and sometimes I need to take a step back from the internet and social media and even work, in order to, y'know, not have a breakdown or die.

For a while - a while being the last eleven or twelve days - I've been really struggling to keep myself afloat, and working through a lot of difficult things. I'm feeling better now, and a lot has happened in that time that I can't wait to talk about.

This post is not about any of that, though. This post is just about the fact that I'm back. And that I got lots of work done, even though I wasn't here talking about it.

And that work I got done? It means that. . .Souls of Salt and Seawater is coming out in two days! Yup, I'll be publishing sometime tomorrow morning, so it will be out either late tomorrow night or, more likely, early tomorrow morning. KDP is random like that.

But I can't wait to share this book with you, and it's new cover, and the stories within it. I'm so happy to finally be at this point, and now that SOSAS is coming out I'll be able to work on my full-length novels!

Maelstrom and Shadows will be here before you know it. Keep an eye out for the cover reveal for SOSAS tomorrow!


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