Blogosphere Bullshit (I'd Rather Be a Person Than a Profile)

I'm an artist. And I want room to work on my art.

I don't want people interrupting me. I don't want people knocking on my door every fifteen minutes. I don't want advice I didn't ask for, and I don't want to be forced to blog every day because 'it's good advertising' or be forced to try and get fucking Twitter famous because it will get more of my books out.

I hate this fame game that everyone is so sucked up in and I hate that all my friends think that lines of text on a computer mean we're communicating because we barely even know each other anymore. I don't want to have to be on social media to connect with them when we never see each other in real life. I want to fucking talk to people and I want to be left the hell alone to make my shit.

The thing is, I feel like when I think this shit or feel this stuff it comes off as, like, I'm anti-technology and I don't enjoy all of this progress we've made - I do. The internet is amazing, and I've made friends in other parts of the world using it.

But sometimes I want to talk to my friends on this side of the world. I want to be able to sit down and talk with the people I grew up with and talk to them instead of sitting there watching their phones the entire time, or going to their place to watch them sit on their computers.

I don't know. I can't say any of this without sounding pretentious and snobby, and I don't care at this point because it's so fucking frustrating. I just want to delete facebook and sign off of everything and be a person instead of a profile.


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