Souls of Salty Snide Remarks

So, Souls of Salt and Seawater is coming along. Coming along as in, I'm going to be ready to send out ARCS by November, as in, I'm having fun with it, as in, the cover came out and I forgot to post about it here.

I'm a pretty forgetful bitch, if I'm being honest. I'll forget something is a dream and wake up excited to use my new laptop or go find my new husband in the backyard and then realize - wait a minute, I didn't actually go on an electronics shopping spree or marry Brandon Urie! It was all just a dream!

My dad says it's because I smoke too-much pot, my mom says it's because of my dad (his genetics are cursed with this pesky thing called alzheimer's - my gramma has it really bad) and my brother says it's because I'm plain stupid. But then, he's probably just salty because I got better eyebrows than he did.

So anyway, I forget important stuff, and then I make up for it by posting it late and trying to make it seem like it's still relevant and exciting. Which is what I'm doing now. So here's the cover:

 Isn't it beautiful? Don't you want to marry it, start a family, have a child together, and then run out on it one day by telling it you're going for cigarettes and milk and then never coming back? Me too. And the plus side is, it won't be able to hunt you down and demand child support because it's just a book cover, and your child together is purely hypothetical. All I'm hearing is a bunch of pluses, to be honest...

Anyway, aside from beginning an ill-advised affair with my book cover, you can also support the project by talking about it on Twitter, Tumblr, or the micro-blogging platform of your choice, or giving the Lilac Jones Adventures some love on Wattpad. Seriously, guys, word of mouth is so important as an indie author. I so appreciate everyone who has reviewed one of my books, or shared it with a friend, or retweeted/reblogged a post about it.

I'll have more news about SOSAS out closer to release, and when arcs are available (everyone who requests an arc of this book is getting one, no questions asked) and more. I'll also post more news about Shadows when I have it.

Thanks for being cool and not making salty, snide remarks when I take too long to post updates, guys! Love ya's!



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