Coffee and Electronica in the Wee Hours

It's 2:30am, and I should be asleep, but I'm not. Being up late isn't anything new to me, but tonight I'm only up because my acid reflux is making it really hard to sleep - the sounds of my own choking on stomach acid? Not the sweetest lullaby.

So I got up and made myself a coffee, grabbed my laptop, and turned on some music. I'm listening to Disclosure, because I really like their new song with Lorde, and I like a lot of their older stuff. I wrote up a writing schedule the other night so I know what I'm working on up into May 2016. I like to plan things. I'm following Rachel Aaron's 2k to 10k method, because I have a lot to do and a lot more I want to do. But some nights I get lazy.

Some nights my brother comes home and I have to be quiet because his room is right below mine, and the sound of my clacking on keys keeps him up all night. So, here I am, not working, drinking coffee, blogging, listening to electronic music in the middle of the night, in the wee hours of the morning.

But because I still love my WIP and I want to work but have to wait until morning, I thought I'd write up a list of all the things I love about the projects I'm working on right now.

  1. Evil Scary Mermaids
  2. Poetic Verse
  3. Teen Banshees
  4. Cheesy Puns
  5. Dragons
  6. Gay Witches Saving the Day
  7. Red Bull Name-Dropping
  8. Spooky Encounters
  9. All the Angst & All the Kissing
  10. Lesbian Monster Hunters

So yeah. If that doesn't get you excited about my books I don't know what will . . .


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