All The Books That Vanished

I was rereading old blog posts, and I realized I talked a lot about books that never materialized in the early days of this blog, and I want to clarify what's going on with those books and projects, so you all know, and so I can direct people with questions here in the future. So, here it is:

The Dark Divinity Trilogy/A Darkness So Divine: pending. Originally a novella trilogy, then it morphed into a novel. These stories will be published as Shine & Hex, the two new Lilac Jones novellas, once I finish them. Those will close out Lilac's story for good.

Mirror, I Am: cancelled. It was a paranormal novel I was meant to write with my cousin, but it fell through. She's not serious about writing or publishing and thinks of it as more of a hobby for now. I'm sure she'll do something with it someday, though. She wants to go back to school and she just had her first kid so for now her hands are tied.

The Indigo Horde: cancelled. I may cannibalize ideas from it for future novels, including the idea of the Indigo Horde itself, which was a giant group of monsters I came up with. It simply wasn't meant to be, and I started it four or five times before putting it on hold for books that were actually working for me.

Iceblood 2: pending. I will write and publish a sequel to Iceblood one day, but it has to be the right story at the right time. I really enjoy Iceblood but writing it was a hard task. Josmea is an intense, complicated fantasy world so it's a lot to keep track of. I want the sequel to be longer and a bit sexier, but I have no ideas yet. I tried several and scrapped them all, so now I'm waiting for a more natural premise to come along. The first was just 'lets rob a house' and I want the second to be more complicated, at least a little.

So that's what's been happening with those. I have a few projects on the way I can confirm, because they're actually done and just need a bit more editing, such as Ian's Fetish, A Twink in the Woods, and Just for Kicks. But I also have more serious paranormal stuff coming along if that's up your alley. It's just in certain stages where I don't want to say anything right now.


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