New Year, New Theme

Things are looking pretty different around here. Obviously. And I like it. The New Year is a time for change, and all that...

Honestly I was just starting to get bored of the old one.

I only posted 34 times last year, which isn't half as much as I wanted to. That's like, one month's worth of post. In a year. I'm going to try to be a lot more active in that regard in 2018. Plus, with a flashy new theme, I'll want to hang out here more. It is really simple (I even kept the default colours) but I like it.

In fact, I think it might be my favorite blog theme yet.

So, there's that.

My other main goal for the year is to put out more full length novels. I put out a bunch of novellas and short stories in 2017, but for the first year in like four or so years I didn't put out a single full-length novel. I could've buckled down and written Riot of Souls, but I never did, so now I'm in this boat and I have to start bailing out water.

Yup, 2018 is my year to buckle down and put out a bunch of books. My goal is five or six. Plus some novellas and shorts in there for good measure.

In that vein, here's the paperback cover for Blood of Midnight:

It's really pretty and text-free and simple and it's gonna look fantastic in person. Now I just need Amazon to stop fucking around and accept the formatting for it, which they've refused to do twice in a row. Hopefully the third pdf is the charm?


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