Meet the Characters of the Ten Day Book!

So, meet the characters of ten day book, Shadows:

Sky - the main & POV character of the series. Sky is a pretty, gender nonconforming gay guy, and he's very, very sarcastic. He's a talented artist, and has some strange abilities, to top it all off. . . He's also scrapy as hell and a little bit (re: a whole lot) stubborn.

Hunter - Sky's love interest; a mysterious guy with a dangerous past and some powerful energies. He's open about his emotions and doesn't waste words, and he likes to tease the people he loves. Hunter is a skilled warrior and a lover of factoids.

The lyrics are from the song Crystalised, but the xx, and I highly recommend it. It fits their relationship well. The monster is a Charmer Hound . . . a beast made of shadows and magik.

I can't wait to share this book with you guys. I'm having a lot of fun writing, and while it's definitely rough around the edges, I think it's got a certain sort of charm that, with some polishing, readers will really enjoy.


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