Down With the Sickness, and 10 Day Book Update!

I'm dead. Not actually, but I might as well be. I got a really bad stomach-ache and nausea for about six or so hours, during which time all I could really do was try to sleep. I wanted to puke - and I know I would have felt better if I had - but for some reason my body just wouldn't do it and get it over with, so I had to wait it up.

I feel better now, but I missed a long writing session, so I'm behind - and I have a lot to do today that might make it harder to write and reach my goals. I'm probably still going to do it, but it might break me, just a little bit. Because of the lag I have 5 and a half chapter to write today, and 6 to write tomorrow - but then the book will be done. I'm going to sped the next few days editing SOSAS, and then hop into writing ADSD, which should take like 15 days?

Anyway, no quote today, since I'm in such a hurry, but wish me luck! I'll have more updates coming later!


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