I feel so attacked right now...

I've been writing for hours, mainlining coffee and desperately trying to ignore this madman of a moth that's flying around my room in search of escape. Well, it might actually be a lady moth, but I'm not a bug physician so I really could not tell you. The point is, it's annoying, and kind of scary, and I want to free it but it's proving impossible to capture.

Needless to say, I'm feeling very attacked by it. But anyway, enough of my moth-related woes. I'm actually writing this to tell you guys that you can officially sign up for the Souls of Salt and Seawater cover reveal! If you haven't heard about SOSAS now, it's a dark YA anthology that I'm writing as a gift to my Tumblr followers. I'm pitching it as 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' meets 'Pirates of the Caribbean' so if that sounds even mildly exciting to you, here's how you can sign up for the cover reveal:

Email me at ApolloBlake@mail.com with the subject line 'cover reveal' and on reveal day I'll send you a pomo package containing the cover file, a detailed blurb, and a new, exclusive exert from the book!

Each story in the collection (there are 3) is roughly 10,000 words, and all of them center around the sea-fairing folk of the world of Josmea, and the sirens they encounter in their adventures across its waters! It's got action, magic, a racially and sexually diverse cast, and a lot of angst and pretty words!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go see about capturing and freeing my moth friend again...


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