FAQs updated, and some news.

I added a frequently asked questions page, so if you're looking to know more about me, or upcoming projects, look there. I'll update it as often as possible.

Also, just some general news: I'm still alive. Probably didn't seem like it since I haven't updated in forever, but here I am! I was going through a sluggish, lazy period for a while, but I'm back to normal and I'm ready to start bogging again, and much more often.

Later today or maybe very early tomorrow, I'll write a much more detailed post, but for now I'l keep things short. First, I'll be updating the blog theme as soon as possible. I don't like it as it; it feels ugly, and not really me-ish. I want something that represents myself, since this is a blog about my life. Also, I'm gonna post at least bi-weekly from now on, or try to even post every other day, if that's possible.

The theme change and next post should go up sometime later today, or tomorrow in the middle of the night/early morning. I've been awake since yesterday evening, and I can't go to sleep until pretty late tonight, because I have school and a mental health appointment to go to, so by the time I get home I may drop  and sleep for, like, ever . . .

So definitely check back for that, or just add me to your blog roll/following/bloglovin' and you'll get updates whenever I update.

Currently listening to: Rather be, by Clean Bandit, featuring Jess Glynne. Enjoy!


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