Drink up baby, look at the stars, I'll kiss you again, between the bars.

Title of this post courtesy of "Between the Bars" By Chris Garneau!

Hey guys! 

So today I was supposed to have a mental health meeting at five pm, but I school was let out at lunch due to weather conditions (freezing rain/hail, and high winds) so I got picked up early by my parents. We went out for lunch (chinese food, my favorite) and then got some groceries and came home.

It was a decent day actually, aside from having to call and change the date of my appointment. I bought a new book: Cress, by Marissa Meyer. I've been waiting to read it for weeks so I'm pretty excited, it's the third book in her Lunar Chronicles series, which I'm in love with. It's a futuristic retelling of Cinderella, if Cinderella were a chinese cyborg named Cinder, living in New Bejing in the far off future. This fairy tales and star wars basically.  I also bought some hair dye. I think I mentioned in a post a month or so ago that I dyed my hair a dark brown that doesn't show up well on camera . . . my hair is black, so I buy blonde dye and that turns it a reddish brown that really suits me.

I'm going to dye it when I'm done blogging, so if it comes out nicely, I'll post pictures.

I got a really cool idea for a story today, as well. Or a part of one. The forest across the road from my house is entirely white today; all of the tress lost their leaves, and the rain froze and every branch is trapped inside a thick layer of ice. It looks like the entire forest is made of ice, or crystals. It's beautiful, and I'd like to write something about it.

I'm also reading an ARC of Smoke River by Krista Foss right now, and it's about land dispute between the locals of a town and a Mohawk tribe. The townsfolk want to build some suburbs on the Mohawk's land, and basically everyone in the book is despicable except for the natives, and two of the white characters. It's making me think, though, of this story I wrote for my english course last year: it was about a native girl named Adsilla, who had the ability to shape-shift into a doe, and who was being hunter by a pack of werewolves. It was fun to do the research while I was writing, and I'd like to do more research and revisit her character and story in a longer piece, I think. Maybe even a novel.

Of course, if you've read my FAQ, you know I'm planning a (very tentative) mid-summer release for a project I'm working on now. I'm currently working out the characters, setting, and fleshing out my outline -- I'm huge on outlines. I'm estimating it should take me around 2 to 3 weeks to write the novel itself. The last novel I wrote was my first, and the rough draft took me a month, but I was only writing 1500 words a day. These days I write about 5000 to 6000 words a day, and I've also got a much better, clearer outline, and the novel is YA paranormal, which is more my forte than the last I wrote. It was YA futuristic Sci-Fi/space opera.

Speaking of the future; I tasted it today. If you know me, you know I plug Red Bull every chance I get. It's just that amazing. Well today at the grocery store, I discovered BLUEBERRY FLAVOURED RED BULL!!! (Yes, it deserved the extra exclamation points. I'm excited, okay?) I bought two can, and I'm saving one for later, but I gotta say, this stuff is amazing. They also have cranberry and lime, which I'm definitely going to try sometime soon. More Red Bull is good Red Bull, right?

So that was my day: I got books and chinese food and red bull, but I was pelted by hail all morning, so I deserved those things. It's like, karma or destiny or something. The universe is rewarding me for braving the massive bullshit that is Canadian winter (it's actually spring, which it my favorite season, but spring is being dominated by a too-clingy winter right now).

I'll probably blog more tomorrow, if I have anything to say, or if I just want to hear myself talk/type. And if we're being honest here, I always do! I'm gonna go dye my hair and then go to sleep for a million hours, and when I wake up, I'll be able to change the blog theme to something not hideous. Hopefully this weather will  guarantee  school  is cancelled again tomorrow, so I can just do it then.


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