Loki Season 2 Premiere Best Moments (Spoilers Obviously)

Loki season 2 is finally here! Well, the first episode. And it was spectacular. Best Moments:

  • "I need a Loki Who Remains" from Mobius - this line will launch a thousand fanfics, mark my words
  • Did you kick each other through time doors simultaneously?
  • Mobius writing 'Skin?' was hilarious
  • and it coming back with plot relevance in the following scene was a great idea!
  • The wholesome dumbass working at McDonald's in the end. No thoughts head empty, would you like to try our new McNuggets?!
  • The split-timeline convo between OB/Mobius/Loki and the way it played out.
  • Hunter calling out the TVA for their atrocities and how they weren't as justified as they all thought. She's fully ready for the masquerade to come down. Gotta be hard to admit you did a bunch of fascist genocidal stuff for no reason, I understand why some of them are in full denial tbh.
  • OB literally writing the book on that.
  • Tom Hiddleston's being gloriously sexy in every frame he's in...

All in all there's so much potential for this season! I can't wait to see how it unfolds. I wish we got a tiny bit more Sylvie in this season premiere but you know what? I love a Loki/Mobius bromance episode. The show works best when they're playing a pair of buddy cops/agents.

Also Control by Remedy Studios is my favorite video game ever and the TVA always gives me FBC vibes. I love the retro-futurism of it all too. You guys watching Loki season 2, or are you lame?


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