Someone Free Grimes (Plus Adventures in Puppysitting.)
Remember when Grimes put out the best album ever? Remember how we've been waiting for new material ever since and it hasn't happened? Remember a couple months ago when she posted shady Tweets about her label and gave us some tea? The only new music she's put out since then is a snippet of a new bop in an Apple commercial: It sounds like a bop for sure, but we need it now, not later. I'd love to hear the full version. I'm glad more artists are going independent. Even if it means lower budgets at least it minimizes situations like this with shitty labels. It happens in publishing too, people get fucked over by their labels and publishers and management all the time. There are shady business practices and betrayals and drama. It makes my head spin. I was watching an Emma Blackery video (I'm waiting for her new album too!) earlier where she talked about a chain bookstore basically blacklisting her and refusing to list her book or promote it because she...