New Chapter and A Practical Coma

Chapter 3 of The Indigo Horde is up. You can read it here. I wanted to write two tonight, but I worked a longer shift today than I anticipated and it's 3 thirty in the morning and I have to be up at 9 tomorrow morning to go back to the mall by 11, even though I don't work until two in the afternoon (ah, don't you just love rural bus schedules?) which I am not anticipating. On the plus side, my best friend is working tomorrow too - and yes, I am aware of how lucky I am to work in the same store as my best friend - which always makes shifts fly by faster.

Work isn't that bad, it's the lack of sleep I hate - bus schedules and writing schedules and anxiety are all working together to make sure I never get another wink. Also, that caffeine addiction.

Today I went into a practical coma and slept in for like 3 hours. I was twenty minutes late to work because of it, but I can't say I regret it: I'd been awake for about 30 hours before I went to sleep, so I really needed it.

And I need it again now. So I'm gonna read for a few minutes and pass out. But I hope you all enjoy chapter three (keep in mind, it's part of a draft that has received exactly zero editing whatsoever) and I would appreciate any comments!

I'll try to post about something non-work or writing related tomorrow, since it's been a while!


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